Personal Experience Essay Scoring Guide

Personal Experience Essay Scoring Rubric
Exceptional, Exemplary, Advanced (A)
These personal experience essays weave together consistently compelling, engaging narration; vivid, suggestive description; and insightful, sophisticated reflection. The organization is coherent and, perhaps, inventive. Control and expressive use of diction (word choice) and varied syntax (sentence structure) create an engaging writing style with very few or no errors in English language convention errors. The process work shows thoughtful, reflective engagement in the development and revision of the essay.
Appropriate, Successful, Proficient (B)
These personal experience essays include clear narration, description, and reflection. Some of these elements may be particularly strong in parts of the essay, but command of these elements is inconsistent-though present. The organization is coherent. The word choices are usually accurate and are sometimes sharp; there is some variation in sentence structure. These elements together create an appropriate writing style with few distracting English language convention errors. (In essays that attempt more subtle sentence structures and formal word choices there may be more errors.) The process work shows substantial engagement in the development and revision of the essay.
Working towards proficiency, needs improvement (C)
In these personal experience essays one or more of the major aspects of the genre—narration, description, and reflection—may be underdeveloped, inconsistently developed, or omitted entirely. These essay may also have distracting English language convention errors and/or be careless or repetitive with word choices and sentence structures. The process work shows some engagement in the development and revision of the essay.
Unacceptable, failing, little to no understanding of personal essay writing (F)
Unacceptable development of aspects of personal essay writing and/or unacceptable errors and carelessness with writing style and/or conventions.

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