Monday night (6/1) through class time on Wednesday (6/3)
Write a proposal (500-1000 words) for using your research to create a substantial piece (or several smaller pieces) of real world rhetoric based on your research.
Your proposal should include (1) a specific description (including format, length, and participants in the project^) of the real world rhetoric* that you want to produce; (2) an explanation of how your real world rhetoric will develop a clear, insightful position in response to the essential question about your topic that you've developed; (3) an explanation of how you plan to use the research you've gathered (and, perhaps, additional research you will gather) in your real world rhetoric; (4) an explanation of how the real world rhetoric will persuade, inform, and engage readers/viewers; (5) an explanation of how the real world rhetoric will reach beyond your teacher and AP classmates at Gloucester High School to a larger audience; and (6) a plan (with dates) for creating the real world rhetoric (in other words, what parts of the project will you get done by what dates?). Write the proposal as a letter to me from you (and any other group members if any). Use Google Docs to share the proposal with me (and to make any revisions as the project evolves).
^You may work with colleagues on the real world rhetoric. Make sure the project is ambitious enough to justify multiple group members.
*Possible real world rhetoric products:
>A series of commentaries written for local newspapers: "My View," letters to the editor, submissions to Good Morning Gloucester, etc.
>A documentary addressing your topic and question uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, etc. and/or shown at the Hive, a community center, etc.
>A work of creative writing--short stories, script, and/or poems--made public on a website and/or performed at a public reading or on video/audio.
>A website and/or social media campaign addressing your topic and question.
>An exhibit, addressing your topic and question, shown at a library, website, other space...
>A tour, addressing your topic and question, organized, mapped, and recorded
>An educational curriculum, addressing your topic and question, with unit map, assessments, rubrics, and lessons to share with teachers in the Gloucester Public School system.
>In the right-hand column you'll find examples of last year's projects.
Wednesday (6/3) through Monday (6/15)
Create your real world rhetoric and annotated bibliography* to be ready for presentation in class Monday, June 15.
*Annotations will include summary of the source, analysis of the source, and explanation of how the source contributed to the real world rhetoric.
Make sure your real world rhetoric and/or annotated bibliography is ready by class time on Monday, June 15.
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